Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Most Glorious Pizza

The time is 12:30 a.m. The day is Saturday. The place is 542 Green Street between Grant Avenue and Stockton Street. The scene inebriated customers filed out the door of this fine establishment waiting for a square of pizza from this establishment with over 30 years of residency in North Beach. Oh, Golden Boy Pizza with its flashy red hand enticing every one who passes by! 

"Even if you are unfortunate enough to end up here on a weekend night, you'll get over by the time the cheese hits your mouth," said Andrea Perez, a San Francisco native. 

This pizzeria was started by Peter Sodini in the late 1970s. The Sodini family has branched out to several different restaurants, but Golden Boy Pizza remains a North Beach staple. It is known for its unusual shape of square pizza slices rather than the traditional triangles. 

It is also a food establishment where you can find out about local happenings simply by looking at the bulletin board posted near the entrance while you wait for your food. Music is constantly blaring even on a early Sunday afternoon and you're likely to hear a bit of classic rock while a poster of Christopher Walker watches you chow down. 

On a weekday afternoon, you're likely to find everyone from the suit and tie crowd of the financial district who walked over on their lunch break to tourists grabbing a quick bite before continuing their exploration. Weekend nights are definitely the most crowded, but the lines move fairly quickly.

You can get a beverage (soda or beer) and a slice for around $5 and their slices are generous from your standard pepperoni to clam garlic. But, just remember, "If you don't see don't ask" as it reads on their menu board because these slices go fast!

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